@article{oai:kitami-it.repo.nii.ac.jp:00009079, author = {渡邊, 康玄 and Watanabe, Yasuhau and 山口, 里実 and YAMAGUCHI, Satomi and 横濱, 秀明 and YOKOHAMA, Hideaki and 泉, 典洋 and IZUMI, Norihiro and 住友, 慶三 and SUMITOMO, Keizo}, issue = {4}, journal = {土木学会論文集B1(水工学)}, month = {}, note = {The effect of the artificial flood to river channel disturbance is clarified quantitatively using the results of field observations and numerical simulations (iRIC Nays2D 4.2). The 1st viewpoint is maintenance of distributary leading to former watercourses which induces river channel disturbance at the time of a large flood. The 2nd viewpoint is a scale of river channel disturbance at the time of a large flood. The difference between the existence and non-existence of the artificial flood has been discussed. It was evaluated quantitatively that artificial flood is effective in maintenance of distributaries. Moreover, it was found quantitatively that the effect of mainstream alternation at bifurcations during a large flood which is expected by the maintenance of distributaries.}, pages = {I_751--I_756}, title = {河道撹乱のためのフラッシュ放流による旧流路の維持に関する研究}, volume = {72}, year = {2016}, yomi = {ワタナベ, ヤスハル} }