@article{oai:kitami-it.repo.nii.ac.jp:00009037, author = {渡邊, 康玄 and WATANABE, Yasuharu and 福岡, 将太 and FUKUOKA, Shota}, journal = {河川技術論文集}, month = {Jun}, note = {In the recent years, rivers at valley often flood because of increasing local downpours all over Japan, giving a lot of damage to the houses, roads, and bridges. A sandbar formed on river bed makes a meandering flow and causes a local scoured parts and deposition parts. The bar formation is closely related to a river disaster. In this research, to grasp the relation between a bar formation and bank erosion is tried for two floods which caused serious bank erosion. Wave number analysis of bed configuration and linear stability analysis under unsteady flow condition were conducted. Although the investigation on the erosion process of a river channel will be necessity, correspondence with bar formation and the bank erosion part has been grasped.}, pages = {269--274}, title = {河岸浸食に及ぼす河床形状の影響}, volume = {18}, year = {2012}, yomi = {ワタナベ, ヤスハル and フクオカ, ショウタ} }