@article{oai:kitami-it.repo.nii.ac.jp:00008902, author = {渋谷, 義顕 and 山下, 聡 and 八久保, 晶弘 and 八久保, 晶弘 and 小西 , 正朗 and 坂上, 寛敏 and 南, 尚嗣 and 仁科, 健二 and 内田, 康人 and SHIBUYA, Yoshiaki and YAMASHITA, Satoshi and Hachikubo, Akihiro and KONISHI, Masaaki and SAKAGAMI, Hirotoshi and MINAMI, Naotsugu and NISHINA, Kenji and UCHIDA, Yasuhito}, issue = {2}, journal = {土木学会論文集B3(海洋開発), Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. B3 (Ocean Engineering)}, month = {}, note = {表層型メタンハイドレート(MH)が存在している深海底地盤の強度を調べるために,コアラーで採取した試料を用いて強度を求めた場合,間隙水にメタンが溶存しており,採取コアを引き上げることによって溶存ガスが気泡化し,試料が乱され正確な強度を求めることが困難である.そこで,表層型MHの存在が確認されている北海道道東沖のオホーツク海において,重力式コーン貫入試験(CPT)を行い,海底地盤強度の直接測定を試みた.また,コア試料に対する船上試験結果と比較し,試料の乱れについても検討した.その結果,間隙水溶存ガス濃度が高い試料や砂分が多い試料なでは船上試験結果の信頼性が低くなること,簡易な重力式CPT試験により原位置強度の測定が可能であることが明らかにされた. [ENG] When using the core sample retrieved from deep seabed, to evaluate the strength of deep seabed ground where shallow type methane hydrates existed, the core samples are subjected to a large stress relief during sampling. As a result, gas dissolved in the pore water will come out of solution and cause disturbance to the soil structure. Consequently, it is difficult to obtain the accuracy in-situ strength. Therefore, in this study, gravity type cone penetration test (CPT) was conducted off the coast of Eastern Hokkaido in the Sea of Okhotsk, where shallow methane hydrates existed, and tried a direct measurement of the sea ground strength. In addition, the influence of sample disturbance of core sample was evaluated in comparison with the onboard test results. As a result, it is found that the onboard test result is underestimated in the sample with high concentration of dissolved gas and with much sand content. On the other hand, the in-situ strength can be evaluated by the simple gravity type CPT.}, pages = {I_868--I_873}, title = {道東沖オホーツク海海底地盤における重力式コーン貫入試験}, volume = {74}, year = {2018} }