@article{oai:kitami-it.repo.nii.ac.jp:00008179, author = {Miura, Noriaki and Itagaki, Kazuyuki and Baba, Naoshi}, journal = {The Astronomical Journal}, month = {Sep}, note = {We present a novel method of detecting faint moving objects in the solar system. The method is based on the evaluation of relative likelihood, which is newly introduced in this paper. Features of this method are that no thresholding operation is required and that both spatial and temporal statistical processing is implemented. These features are advantageous for detecting faint objects. In addition, relative likelihood can be used to quantitatively assess the certainty of detected objects. We applied our method to data taken at two different observatories in Japan. Experimental results indicate that this method is capable of detecting faint moving objects with signals comparable to the noise level.}, pages = {1278--1285}, title = {Likelihood-vased method for detecting faint moving objects}, volume = {130}, year = {2005} }