@article{oai:kitami-it.repo.nii.ac.jp:00008119, author = {城本, 政一 and 川村, 彰 and 富山, 和也 and 高橋, 清}, issue = {3}, journal = {土木学会論文集E1(舗装工学)}, month = {}, note = {走行車両の動的荷重は,路面プロファイルに起因する"車両の鉛直方向の振動"により変動する.筆者らは,路面プロファイルと動的荷重の相関分析に基づき,舗装が受ける構造的ダメージの予測を試みた.予測に際しては,最初に動的荷重算出方法の検討を行い,次に"路面のプロファイルと走行速度が動的荷重に与える影響"を実車実験により把握した.さらに,実験結果に基づき,"路面プロファイル"と"動的荷重により舗装が受ける構造的ダメージ"の関係を,LTPPに収録されているデータを用いて比較検討した.この結果,動的荷重の評価指標として考案した"修正動的荷重係数"が,FWDのたわみ量と高い相関があることを確認できた.このことから,路面プロファイルを測定することで,舗装が生ずる構造的ダメージの簡便予測が可能となった. In general, "Vertical Vibration of passing vehicles" (induced by road profile) influences dynamic load of the vehicles. We assumed that the structural damage of the pavement was predictable if the relationships between a road profile and a dynamic load could be clear. To verify this assumption, we conducted several experiments. First of all, the method of calculating a dynamic load from the road profile was examined. Next, according to this result, the influence of the road profile and the transport speed of passing vehicles on a dynamic load was theoretically analyzed. Finally, the relationships between the structural damage of the pavement affected by the dynamic load and the road profile was examined associated with LTTP data. Based on these studies, it was confirmed that high correlation between "Modifying Coefficient of Dynamic Load" (developed as an evaluation index of the dynamic load) and the pavement deflection measured by the FWD. In this paper, it was concluded that the structural damage of the pavement could be simply obtained by the road profile data.}, pages = {I_73--I_79}, title = {路面のプロファイルと舗装に生ずる構造的ダメージの相関性について}, volume = {67}, year = {2011} }