@article{oai:kitami-it.repo.nii.ac.jp:00008114, author = {石田, 樹 and 川村, 彰 and Alimujiang, Yiming and 富山, 和也 and 中辻, 隆}, journal = {土木学会舗装工学論文集}, month = {Dec}, note = {本研究の目的は, 路面の乗り心地評価のための定量的かつ客観的指標の開発である. ドライビングシミュレータを用いて乗り心地の主観評価を行うとともに, 平坦路および凹凸路において, ストレスの定量的・客観的評価に有効とされる心拍数変化を計測した. 平坦路に比べ凹凸路面走行時の被験者の心拍数は有意に増加した. 上下加速度が増加するに従い心拍数の増加量は増加し, 心拍数増加量が大きいほど主観による乗り心地評価は悪化する傾向が見られた. 被験者ごとのに回帰分析により, 心拍数増加量により主観評価を説明するモデルを提案すると共に, 被験者の振動刺激への感受性を考慮することが重要であることを示した. This paper deals with a development of a new, quantitative and objective index of ride quality of pavements. A driving simulator that reproduces the behavior of vehicles traveling on uneven road surfaces was used for subjective evaluation of ride quality. At the same time, the variation of heart rate was measured. From the results, it was found that the test subject's heart rate increased when driving on the uneven roads, and as the vertical acceleration R.M.S. value increased, the variation of heart rate increased. It was also confirmed that as the variation of heart rate increased, the subjective evaluation of ride quality decreased. Linear regression analyses shows that the subjective evaluation could be described with the variation of heart rate as an explaining variable. The differences of each subjects' sensibility to vibrations should be considered to develop a generalized model.}, pages = {17--24}, title = {心拍数変動を用いた路面の乗り心地評価方法}, volume = {13}, year = {2008} }