@article{oai:kitami-it.repo.nii.ac.jp:00008040, author = {武田, 一夫 and 鈴木, 輝之 and 伊藤, 陽司 and 濱塚, 智成}, issue = {2}, journal = {地盤工学ジャーナル}, month = {}, note = {ミヤコザサ被覆による降雨時の斜面表層土の保水効果を評価するため,ササに覆われた斜面(ササ斜面) とササを除去した斜面(ササ除去斜面)に調査地を設けて,土壌水分の変化を野外観測した。両斜面の表 層土の物理特性も,室内試験で調べた。その結果,24 時間降水量が約30mm のときの水収支を解析したと ころ,ササ除去斜面では,降水量の10~15%が火山灰質砂層に保水され,約70%が流下浸透した。これに 対してササ斜面では,地下茎の密生する表層土,いわゆるササマットに70~80%が保水された。このこと から,ササマットが形成されると,30mm/d 程度の降水量では,雨水の多くがササマットに保水され,見か けの降水量は10mm 以下になって,斜面表層土への降雨の負荷が軽減され,洗掘や崩壊など災害を防止す るとみられる。To evaluate the water retentivity effects of cover with Sasa (Sasa nipponica Makino et Shibata) on the surface layer of slope, the field observation was conducted to measure the soil suction in the surface layer at the sites of slopes with and without Sasa cover during raining. Also, the physical properties for soil of surface layer were measured in the laboratory. When rainfall was observed with the precipitation of 30mm, 10 - 15% of precipitation was retained in the layer of volcanic sand. And 70% of precipitation infiltrated into the deeper. On the other hand, 70% of that was retained in the Sasa mat (rhizome distributing soil layer), in which the rhizome was stretched around, on the slope covered with it, while 7 - 15% of that was in the lower volcanic sand. Moreover, the side outflow and the deeper infiltration were slight. Based on these findings, once Sasa mat is formed, the slope has more water retaintivity. Therefore, it plays a role to lighten the burden of rainfall, so that Sasa mat is expected to prevent disasters such as erosion, surface failure and so on.}, pages = {121--132}, title = {ミヤコザサ被覆による斜面表層土の保水効果}, volume = {32}, year = {2008} }