@inproceedings{oai:kitami-it.repo.nii.ac.jp:00007642, author = {Hachikubo, Akihiro and Takeya, Satoshi and Chuvilin, Evgeny and Istomin, Vladimir}, book = {Physics and Chemistry of Ice 2010}, month = {Mar}, note = {Dissociation processes of synthetic methane hydrate with glass beads were reported by using a calorimetric system and powder X-ray diffraction. Methane hydrate formed with coarse glass beads (size: 30.8, 56.3, and 100.4 μm) rather quickly dissociated at 150-200 K, whereas about 40 % of that with fine glass beads (size: 0.4 μm) still survived at 200 K. These results are contrasting with the size effect of methane hydrate particles reported by Takeya et al. (2005) that larger particles can retain themselves than smaller particles.}, pages = {197--202}, publisher = {Hokkaido University Press}, title = {Calorimetric and Powder X-ray Diffraction Studies on Dissociation of Methane Hydrate in Porous Media}, year = {2011} }