@article{oai:kitami-it.repo.nii.ac.jp:00007576, author = {Aoki, Teruo and Aoki, Tadao and Fukabori, Masashi and Hachikubo, Akihiro and Tachibana, Yoshihiro and Nishio, Fumihiko}, issue = {D8}, journal = {JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH}, month = {2016-11-22}, note = {Observationso f spectrala lbedo and bidirectionalr eflectancei n the wavelength region of X = 0.35-2.5 tzm were made together with snow pit work on a flat snowfield in eastern Hokkaido, Japan. The effects of snow impurities, density, layer structure, and grain size attained by in situ and laboratorym easurementsw ere taken into accounti n snow models for which spectral albedos were calculated using a multiple-scattering model for the atmosphere-snows ystem.C omparisonso f these theoretical albedosw ith measured ones suggest hat the snowi mpuritiesw ere concentrateda t the snow surfaceb y dry fallout of atmospheric aerosols. The optically equivalent snow grain size was found to be of the order of a branch width of dendrites or of a dimension of narrower portion of broken crystalsT. his sizew as smallert han both the mean grain size and the effectiveg rain size obtainedf rom micrographsb y image processingT. he observationarl esultsf or the bidirectionalr eflectiond istributionf unction( BRDF) normalizedb y the radiancea t the nadir showed that the anisotropic reflection was very significant in the near-infrared region,e speciallyfo r X > 1.4 tzm,w hile the visiblen ormalizedB RDF (NBRDF) patterns were relatively flat. Comparison of this result with two kinds of theoretical NBRDFs, where one havingb een calculatedu sing single-scatteringp arametersb y Mie theory and the other usingt he samep arameterse xceptf or Henyey-Greenstein(H G) phasef unction obtained from the same asymmetry factor as in the Mie theory, showed that the observed NBRDF agreed with the theoretical one using the HG phase function rather than with that using the Mie phase function, while the albedos calculated with both phase functions agreed well with each other}, pages = {10219--10236}, title = {Effects of snow physical parameters on spectral albedo and bidirectional reflectance of snow surface}, volume = {105}, year = {} }