@article{oai:kitami-it.repo.nii.ac.jp:00007535, author = {伊関, 敏之 and ISEKI, Toshiyuki}, issue = {8}, journal = {人間科学研究}, month = {Mar}, note = {In this paper, we will mainly examine the usage of Present Perfect. In this connection, we will especially refer to the comparison of Past Tense and Present Perfect Progressive. In School English Grammar, it is often said that Present Perfect has three or four usages, namely, completion, result, experience, and duration. But making a careful observation about it, its usages overlap with Past Tense and Present Perfect Progressive in many respects. Therefore, we will consider the usage of Present Perfect in various aspects.}, pages = {25--42}, title = {現在完了形の用法に関する一考察-過去時制、現在完了進行形との比較を中心に-}, year = {2012} }