@article{oai:kitami-it.repo.nii.ac.jp:00007521, author = {大橋, 鉄也 and 深尾, 亮太 and 伊藤, 陽介 and 眞山, 剛}, issue = {764}, journal = {日本機械学會論文集. A編}, month = {Apr}, note = {Plastic slip deformation of a HCP bicrystal is analyzed by a crystal plasticity FE code and distribution of plastic shear strain on the primary and secondary slip systems, as well as some stress components are examined. The constituent crystal are idealized ones and slip deformation on basal, prismatic and pyramidal slip systems can take place, but twin deformation cannot. After a deformation of 1% nominal tensile strain, sharp stress concentrations are developed at the junctions of the grain boundary plane and specimen surfaces even though the crystal orientations of the two grains differ only a few degree. Results are compared with the case for FCC bicrystals and effects of the activation of secondary slip systems are discussed., 本文データは学協会の許諾に基づきCiNiiから複製したものである}, pages = {367--369}, title = {HCP双結晶の塑性すべりによって生ずる回位型変形場と応力集中}, volume = {76}, year = {2010} }