@article{oai:kitami-it.repo.nii.ac.jp:00007423, author = {舘山, 一孝 and 榎本, 浩之 and 高橋, 修平 and 百武, 欣二 and 西尾, 文彦}, journal = {international symposium on Okhotsk Sea & sea ice}, month = {2016-11-22}, note = {Microwave radiometer for 19GHz, 22GHz and 37GHz of DMSP SSM/I has been used for the sea ice observation Although, SSM/I has also 85GHz channel, this channel has not been used for sea ice observation, because this channel is considered to be affected by vapor. But,85GHz has higher resolution than the other channels,and the effect of vapor is though to be small in polar region in winter. this study used AMR(Airborne Microwave Radiometer) data which has 89GHz channel to develop new algorithm for sea ice classification, and at tempted to apply the algorithm to SSM/I. This study utilized ER(Emissivity Ratio) calculated by 89 or 85GHz channel as an available parameter. As a result, ER algorithm by using SSM/I dataset in sea of Okhotsk could classify floe, thin ice, newly formed ice, fast ice and open water., application/pdf}, pages = {18--23}, title = {DMSP SSM/I の85GHz を使用したオホーツク海海氷の観測}, volume = {13}, year = {} }