@article{oai:kitami-it.repo.nii.ac.jp:00007277, author = {Muyeen, S. M. and Mannan, Mohammad Abdul and Ali, Mohd. Hasan and Takahashi, Rion and Murata, Toshiaki and Tamura, Junji and Tomaki, Yuichi and Sakahara, Atsushi and Sasano, Eiichi}, journal = {Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2006. ICECE '06. International Conference on}, month = {Dec}, note = {This paper analyzes different types of symmetrical and unsymmetrical fault of grid connected wind turbine generator system (WTGS), where the six-mass drive train model is considered. The unsuccessful re-closing due to permanent fault is also considered. Moreover, the blade-shaft stresses of the six-mass drive train model of WTGS are also analysed for both successful and unsuccessful re-closing., application/pdf}, pages = {205--208}, title = {Fault Analysis of Wind Turbine Generator System Considering Six-Mass Drive Train Model}, year = {2006} }