@article{oai:kitami-it.repo.nii.ac.jp:00007253, author = {ニ俣, 正美 and 伊藤, 英信 and 中西, 喜美雄 and 倉本, 登 and 鴨下, 泰久 and 進藤, 覚弥 and 斉藤, 道雄 and 山田, 光昭}, issue = {8}, journal = {高温学会誌}, month = {Nov}, note = {The sprayed coating containing fluorine-carbon showed high water repellency (the contact angle for water droplet was 145°). However, the water repellency of the sprayed coating decreased with adsorption of organic materials, NOx, and SOx, which discharged from the automobile. To remove the adsorption compounds from the coating surface, we decide to add titanium oxide (TiO2) in the coating, which could be able to oxidize the surface adsorption compounds photo-catalytically. It was found that the particles dispersion type sprayed coatings prepared by flame spray technique using aluminum tubing filling with fluorine-carbon (15.2mass%) and titanium oxide (0.5mass%) had high photo-catalytic activity for liquid phase decomposition of methylene blue without decreasing water-repellency., application/pdf}, pages = {343--348}, title = {撥水機能と光触媒機能を有する粒子分散型溶射皮膜の開発}, volume = {32}, year = {2006} }