@article{oai:kitami-it.repo.nii.ac.jp:00006912, author = {石田, 樹 and 岳本, 秀人 and 川村, 彰 and 白川, 龍生}, journal = {舗装工学論文集}, month = {Dec}, note = {本研究は、路面の平坦性が車の乗心地と走行時の安心感に与える影響を実際の道路及びドライビングシミュレータで被験者による主観評価により検証したものである。また同時に、路面修繕の要否と修繕に対する費用負担額を調査し、乗心地の貨幣換算を試みた。その結果、平坦性指標であるIRIが増加すると乗心地および走行安心感評価は低下し、逆に修繕の必要性評価が高まること、IRIが増加すると修繕費用負担額は増加する傾向がみられたが金額に大きなばらつきが見られたこと、実道での試験結果とシミュレータ上での結果は同様の傾向を示すことが確認された。This study examines how pavement roughness affects the subjective riding comfort of drivers running on a road section in service versus on a road section in a driving simulator. Subjects were also asked weather pavement repair was necessary, and their willingness to pay for pavement repair. In this way, monetary conversion of subjective riding comfort was attempted. It was shown that when the IRI increases, the subjective riding comfort and sense of safety decrease and the subjective evaluation of the need for repair increases. Each subject’s WTP increased with increases in IRI. However, the WTP differed greatly among subjects. Also, the subjective riding comfort and sense of safety of an actual road in service and a driving simulator were found to be shown in similar tendencies., application/pdf}, pages = {49--56}, title = {ドライビングシミュレータによる舗装路面の乗心地・安心感評価}, volume = {9}, year = {2004} }