@article{oai:kitami-it.repo.nii.ac.jp:00006753, author = {SAKURAI, Hiroshi and AYUTA, Koichi and SAEKI, Noboru and OKADA, Kaneyoshi and SAKURAI, Hiroshi and AYUTA, Koichi and SAEKI, Noboru and OKADA, Kaneyoshi}, issue = {2}, journal = {北見工業大学研究報告}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, The global problems of environmental breakdown, global warming, biodiversity conservation, ozone layer depletion and so on are recognized as extremely important. The ozone layer problem and climate change have been observed already. Still more, restraining population expansion, obtaining stable supplies of energy and food, and overcoming poverty are critical issues. Solving these problems is critical to continuation of the human race. Nowadays, civil engineers also recognize that those responsible for infrastructure development and the use of public money are also accountable for its effective use. We have a duty to state clearly the results we expect and how we think they can be achieved. It is necessary to ensure that infrastructure and civil engineering develop in an environmentally sensitive manner and that measures are taken to preserve nature.  The purpose of this research is to study how we can move toward harmonizing with the global environment and the sustainable development of civil engineering, both domestically and in developing countries, in order to actively maintain and redevelop the present infrastracture. In this study, areas of civil engineering which require evaluation for their influence on the global environment have been drawn from reports, laws and standards of the government, the united Nations, international organizations, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and so on. Each case was investigated by carrying out interviews, on-the-spot researches and meetings. A tentatie evaluation method was developed and this was used to evaluate the actual case studies. This basic study aimed at evaluating effective civil engineering methods under conditions of limited resources. We need to ensure that infrastructure is developed in an environmentally sensitive manner and that measures are taken to preserve nature. To do so, it is important to understand the politics, civilization, society, national characters, and present level of economic development of the countries and the present state of their infrastructure, as well as to provide technical and economic assistance that allows local people to operate autonomously. Where beneficial, it is a good idea to ask suitable high-level NGOs with good local and international connections to play a role and provide them with the financial assistance they need to do so. When providing technical assistance overseas, it is important to accurately evaluate local conditions and problems, as well as the needs of local people. We think that doing this in an appropriate manner with proper explanation, planning, and the participation of inhabitants is the key to successfully providing aid in a way that protects the global environment.}, pages = {93--109}, title = {Study on evaluation of civil engineering technique to global environment procedure}, volume = {29}, year = {1998} }