@article{oai:kitami-it.repo.nii.ac.jp:00006746, author = {小西, 靖之 and 小林, 正義}, issue = {2}, journal = {北見工業大学研究報告}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, To quantitatively evaluate the poultice up process (PUP), which is conventionally used in ventilation food drying processes, the influences of drying efficiency by temperature and PUP were studied in detail, using a fish paste sausage as a model food. An adequate water diffusion mechanism was obtained through the rate analysis of the redrying step after the introduction of the PUP process. Two new parameters for PUP evaluation were introduced : (1)drying rate ratio (R), which allows evaluation of the acceleration rate due to PUP: and(2)saved drying time (ST), which shows the reduced time for the period of drying process due to PUP. For the two parameters, it was found that PUP for the lower water content of the sausage (w_0<45%?W.B.) gave high R-value and a constant ST value(>150 min) for the drying process. The STvalues obtained were classified into the two groups, depending on the initial w_0 of PUP. It was found that the starting w_0 of PUP was an important factor in determining the efficiency of the drying process used.}, pages = {29--37}, title = {魚肉ソーセージの水分移動メカニズムの解析}, volume = {29}, year = {1998} }