@article{oai:kitami-it.repo.nii.ac.jp:00006387, author = {伊藤, 勝啓}, issue = {1}, journal = {北見工業大学研究報告}, month = {Nov}, note = {application/pdf, As a result of his bitter experience in the Leipzig Debate,Luther was urged to proclaim the Schrift-Prinzip(the biblical authority over the human traditions),which has ever since been one of the three major principles of Protestantism. Melanchthon supported Luther with the conviction he had gained from successes of Humanists in the linguistically refined analysis of literature of classical antiquity and Christian writings,especially the biblical ones, taken for granted by historical criticism of Humanism. Melanchthon had already enchanted Luther with such pure,simple and penetrating exegesis as to make the Bible speak with greater force. Melanchthon himself departed from medieval scholasticim with a humanistic attitude, restored the knowledge of Christ for theology, and gave attention to the innovation or instauration of man, combining Lutheran doctrine of justification by faith with his own affectus theory. In his process of cogitation, Melanchthon was forming his theology of‘comfort and promise'. The Heidelberg Catechism later gave a beautiful formulation of‘comfort' (consolatio) at the First question : Was ist dein einziger Trost im Leben und im Sterben?(What is thy only comfort in life and in death ?) The formulation and answer was the a quo and ad quem of the whole Catechism. 0n the other hand,the concept of‘promise’(promissio)has been partly absorbed in the idea of Heilsgeschichte(salvation history). 0nly general indifference has prevented our receiving the heritage of Melanchthon's piety because of Luther's greatness and the later ungenerosity toward the happy diversity of the Reformation witnesses. Both Luther and Melanchthon spoke to their age and continue to speak to our own age. They were once fellow-workers in Christ,and are now for us, also seen as evidence of diversity happily embodied in the history of the Reformation.}, pages = {201--216}, title = {若きメランヒトンの神学的関心 : ライプツィヒ討論からCapitaまで}, volume = {7}, year = {1975} }