@article{oai:kitami-it.repo.nii.ac.jp:00006325, author = {棟, 徹夫 and 二俣, 正美 and 千田, 栄}, issue = {2}, journal = {北見工業大学研究報告}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, We are interested in the effective use of semi-automatic welding and made studies of a simple automatic apparatus which was fixed together from a semi-automatic welder and other machine parts. In the present paper, we report on the practical usage of a new apparatus which performs an automatic weaving process making use of an automobile wiper. Through the experiments satisfactory results were obtained that this apparatus can be used with good results for automatic flat position welding. A summary of the results is given below : 一   (1)A straight bead penetrates deeply in the center of the weld,but shows a tendency of increasing incomplete penetration or overlap on the extreme sides of the bead. With a weaved bead uiform penetration can be obtained.  (2)Good welding win be performed under comparatively high current and high torch speed, and with the increase of the weaving cycles defects becomes few. But when it goes beyond proportions, lack of fusion, incomplete penetration and slag inclusion will easily be caused.    (3)The appearance of the bead is better in the foreward process than in the backward process.    (4)The proper welding conditions for this apparatus must be thought within the following limits : the current is 180?200 A, the voltage is 24?27 V, the torch speed is 13?17 cm/min and the weaving cycle is 40 c/min.   (5)The appearance of beads and the strength of joints are the best when the proportion of gas mixture is CO_2 8.0十Ar 2.0[l/min]. (6) For preventing the lack of fusion or the incomplete penetration weaving amplitude will be made narrow and we think that it will be one way of improvement to get the touch move along the groove face.}, pages = {251--272}, title = {ワイパー利用の自動ウィービング法の溶接性能 -半自動アーク溶接の活用の試み-}, volume = {4}, year = {1973} }