@article{oai:kitami-it.repo.nii.ac.jp:00006184, author = {礒部, 煕郎}, issue = {4}, journal = {北見工業大学研究報告}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, Let {ν_k} be a sequence of natural numbers. The following form (1) of the sequence {ν_k} is called a infinite continued fraction. 1/(ν_1+1)/(ν_2+1)/(…) (1) From the sequence {ν_k} j the sequence {ξ_k}is made as follows (ξ_k=1)/(ν_1+1)/(…)/1/(ν_k-1+1)/(ν-1) (2) and it is convergent sequence. In this paper, we give the following relationsξ_2<ξ_4<…<<ξ_3<ξ_1 (9) │ξ-k-ξ-k1│<__-1/(k(k-1) (8) The conclusion drawn from these relations is the uniformity about convergence of infinite continued fractions. Namely, for any positive number s and sequence of natural numbers ε and sequence of natural numbers {ν_k}, there exists some natural number N such that N≦k, l implies │ξ-k-ξ-1│<εFurthermore, let S be the totality of all sequences of natural numbers and R be the totality of all irrational numbers in the open interval (0,I). We define the metric function d in the space S as follows d(a, b)=1/(Min{k:ν_k≠μ_k} (S∋a, b, a={ν_k}, b={μ_k}). Thespace R is the subspace of the real line. In this paper, the relations between the spaces S and R are discussed.}, pages = {109--117}, title = {無限連分数の収束について}, volume = {1}, year = {1966} }