@article{oai:kitami-it.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000054, author = {小池, 太郎 and KOIKE, Taro and 吉川, 泰弘 and YOSHIKAWA, Yasuhiro and 横山, 洋 and YOKOYAMA, Hiroshi and 伊波, 友生 and INAMI, Yu and 川邊, 和人 and KAWABE, Kazuhito}, issue = {2}, journal = {土木学会論文集B1(水工学)}, month = {}, note = {本研究は,2018年3月に北海道の常呂川で発生したアイスジャム現象を明らかにすることを目的とした.気象,水位データとともに,定点カメラによる動画撮影,ドローンによる撮影,アイスジャム発生後の河氷サイズ計測,痕跡水位を計測し,現象解明を試みた.本研究により以下のことが明らかとなった.アイスジャム現象により,水位は2時間で3.1mまで急速に上昇した.河川の氷の大きさは、アイスジャム発生地点付近では大きく、上流側では小さい.定点カメラより,アイスジャム発生前後の河氷の流下速度が最大3.5m/sと分かった.流量増加に伴い多くの水が河氷とともに流下し,河道内の堆積しやすい箇所に河氷が詰まり,流下が阻害され水位上昇する., This study aimed to clarify the situation of a river ice jam occurred on the Tokoro river in Hokkaido. We carried out water level observation, video and aerial photography, and also visually monitored the river ice area. The phenomenon of ice jam became clear by this observation. The water level rapidly increased to 3.1 m in 2 hours due to the ice jam phenomenon. River ice size is large near ice jam occurrence point. And this size is small at an upstream point more distant than an ice jam occurrence point. River ice velocity before and after the occurrence of the ice jam was calculated by PIV analysis. The speed of river ice flow before and after the ice jam was determined by CCTV cameras. The maximum velocity of the river ice is 3.5 m/s. As the flow rate increases, more water flows downstream with the ice, which clogs the river channel where it tends to accumulate, blocking the flow and causing the water level to rise.}, pages = {I_163--I_168}, title = {2018年3月に常呂川で発生したアイスジャム現象の解明}, volume = {76}, year = {2020}, yomi = {ヨシカワ, ヤスヒロ} }