@article{oai:kitami-it.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000048, author = {守田, 銀二 and MORITA, Ginji and 今, 日出人 and KON, Hideto and 久加, 朋子 and KYUKA, Tomoko and 清水, 康行 and SHIMIZU, Yasuyuki and 吉川, 泰弘 and YOSHIKAWA, Yasuhiro}, issue = {2}, journal = {土木学会論文集B1(水工学)}, month = {}, note = {降雨と融雪が重なる現象はrain-on-snow eventと呼ばれ,近年,世界各地で大規模な融雪災害をもたらしている.北海道においても,冬期におけるROS記録は各地に存在し,今後の降雨・積雪特性の変化が融雪災害に与える影響が懸念される.そこで,本研究では厳冬期のROS災害の特性を把握することを目的に室内水路実験を実施した.結果,融雪期の最高気温を想定した場合は,降雨に伴う積雪層のせん断強度低下と重量増加とが重なることで湿性雪崩が生じた.一方,本実験条件下で気温が10℃付近の場合は,降雨の影響は比較的少なく,雨は積雪層をゆっくり鉛直浸透し,流出した.ただし,降雨の影響は積雪層が新しい雪で構成されるほど大きく,北海道のような積雪寒冷地では,今後の気候変動に伴う積雪や降雨特性の変化が冬期の積雪層挙動や河川融雪災害に影響を与える可能性を留意する必要がある., In recent years, rain-on-snow (ROS) events has caused large-scale flooding disasters in winter all over the world. In Hokkaido located in the northernpart of Japan, ROS events also has been recorded in various places in the past and has been conserned to be increased in future due to the rise of temperatures over snowy-cold region. In this study, authors conduted flume experiments to understand the effects of rainfall on snow melt and snowmelt runoff, which affects ROS disasters during winter. The results showed that in the cases, estimated maximum temperature in winter (snow melting season), snow avalanches occurred due to the rainfall. In contrast, where the temperature is below 10 ℃, the rainfall slowly penetrate and formed the flow path at the bottom of snow layer, leading into an increase of 1.23 times of the runff discharge to the low channel path.}, pages = {I_925--I_930}, title = {積雪寒冷地における降雨を伴う積雪層の融雪特性に関する実験}, volume = {75}, year = {2019}, yomi = {ヨシカワ, ヤスヒロ} }