@article{oai:kitami-it.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000028, author = {島田, 友典 and 渡邊, 康玄 and Watanabe, Yasuhau and 横山, 洋 and YOKOYAMA, Hiroshi and 米元, 光明 and YONEMOTO, Mitsuaki}, issue = {5}, journal = {土木学会論文集B1(水工学)}, month = {}, note = {2016年8月北海道豪雨において常呂川直轄区間では堤防からの越水は7箇所確認されたが,そのうち決壊に至ったのは1箇所であった.越水したにもかかわらず決壊に至らなかった要因を明らかにすることは,堤防決壊時における緊急対策工事等の対策を検討する上でも重要な知見となる.この要因分析を目的に,堤体土質,内水状況の相違に着目した模型実験を行った.これより砂礫堤防の表面が粘性土の場合,越水から決壊までの時間は長くなる一方,拡幅段階では砂礫のみの堤防と差がないこと,堤内湛水は裏法面の侵食抑制に寄与することなどを示した., In August 2016, during the heavy rain in Hokkaido, overflowing in the Tokoro River section under the jurisdiction, seven embankments were confirmed but one site was destroyed. It is also important to clarify factors that did not lead to the collapse despite overflowing, in considering damage mitigation techniques. In order to analyze these factors, we conducted an experiment focusing on soil and landside water. The results of the experiments are as follows: It was shown that when the surface coverage was applied to the gravel embankment with clay, the time from the overshoot to the collapse was long, but in the widening process there was no difference from the gravel embankment.}, pages = {I_1423--I_1428}, title = {堤体材料および内水状況が越水堤防決壊現象に与える影響}, volume = {74}, year = {2018}, yomi = {シマダ, トモノリ and ワタナベ, ヤスハル} }