@article{oai:kitami-it.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000024, author = {住友, 慶三 and SUMITOMO, Keizo and 渡邊, 康玄 and Watanabe, Yasuhau and 泉, 典洋 and IZUMI, Norihiro and 山口, 里実 and YAMAGUCHI, Satomi and 米元, 光明 and YONEMOTO, Mitsuaki}, issue = {5}, journal = {土木学会論文集B1(水工学)}, month = {}, note = {河道内が樹林化した札内川において,撹乱誘発による礫河原の再生を目的として,樹林内に残る旧流路への接続掘削による分岐流路の維持に取り組んでいる.そのような中で,2016年8月に既往最大規模の出水が発生した.出水による河道内の変化状況から,旧流路への接続掘削による分岐流路の維持は,出水時の礫河原再生に効果的であることが示された.また,河道中央部への分岐流路の維持により,分岐流路での河床変動を促し,出水時の堤防方向への侵食を抑制する効果が期待できることを河床変動計算により示した.さらに,水面比高差拡大による撹乱頻度の低下に伴う早期の再樹林化,側岸侵食の進行による堤防決壊リスク増加という新たな課題に対しても,早瀬区間における礫河原への分岐流路掘削により,礫河原の撹乱更新及び側岸侵食軽減の効果が期待できることを示した., The river channel of Satsunai River is currently covered with forest, and we have been aiming to regenerate its gravel bar through induction of disturbances. In order to do so, we have been excavating to maintain the branched channel by connecting it to the old watercourse left in the forest. It was under such circumstance that the largest flood in history occurred in August, 2016. The changes in the river channel during the flood has proven that maintenance of the branched channel by excavating to connect it to the old watercourse is effective in promoting regeneration of the gravel bar during floods. Furthermore, by calculating the changes in the riverbed, we demonstrated that maintaining branched channel to the center of the river channel could promote riverbed change in the branched channel, which can be expected to suppress erosion towards the embankments during the flood. Additionally, in terms of coping methods to new challenges such as early regeneration of vegetation due to decline in the frequency of disturbances caused by growth of the relative height difference of water surfaces, and the increased risk of river bank failure due to increased erosion of the embankments, we also demonstrated that digging branched channel to the gravel bar in the riffle area can be expected to renew disturbances in the gravel bar, and reduce erosion of the embankments.}, pages = {I_1003--I_1008}, title = {出水時の河道変化に対する分岐流路維持の効果}, volume = {74}, year = {2018}, yomi = {ワタナベ, ヤスハル and ヤマグチ, サトミ} }