@article{oai:kitami-it.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000019, author = {山口, 里実 and YAMAGUCHI, Satomi and 久加, 朋子 and KYUKA, Tomoko and 清水, 康行 and SHIMIZU, Yasuyuki and 泉, 典洋 and IZUMI, Norihiro and 渡邊, 康玄 and Watanabe, Yasuhau and 岩崎, 理樹 and IWASAKI, Toshiki}, issue = {4}, journal = {土木学会論文集B1(水工学)}, month = {}, note = {急流河川において出水時の流路変動による大規模な側岸侵食は深刻な災害を引き起こす.本研究では,出水時の土砂動態と大規模侵食を誘発する流路変動の関係を把握することを目的とし,特に河道内の土砂動態と流路変動との関連性を検討した.ペケレベツ川と音更川の出水時の河道内土砂収支を整理し,側岸からの流出土砂が供給源となり河道内へ堆積することで側岸侵食が拡大した可能性を示した.また,側岸からの流出土砂量の違いが流路変動へ与える影響を実験的に検討し,側岸から流出する土砂が直下流の砂州の外岸側への拡大に寄与することで大規模侵食を誘発する流路変動の要因となり得ることを示した., Large-scale bank erosion caused by channel change during flood often causes serious disasters in gravel bed rivers. In this study, we focused on the influence of sediment dynamics in river channel on the channel change inducing bank erosion. From the results of sediment balance in the Pekerebetsu River and the Otofuke River during a flood, we showed the possibility that sediment supply from the bank affect stream channel change to expand bank erosion in the river. We carried out the experiments on the influence of sediment supply from the bank on the channel change, and showed that sediment supply from the bank can be a cause of channel change inducing large-scale bank erosion.}, pages = {I_1153--I_1158}, title = {河道内の土砂動態と流路変動の関係}, volume = {74}, year = {2018}, yomi = {ヤマグチ, サトミ and ワタナベ, ヤスハル} }