@article{oai:kitami-it.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000009, author = {藺森, 啓悟 and IMORI, Keigo and 渡邊, 康玄 and Watanabe, Yasuhau}, issue = {4}, journal = {土木学会論文集B1(水工学)}, month = {}, note = {近年,軟岩洗掘について多くの研究が進められているが,軟岩洗掘時に現れる河床の形状については十分に明らかにされていない.本研究では,部分的に軟岩が露出した河床を対象として軟岩洗掘時の河床の形状の特性を把握することを目的に検討を行った.被覆率Cを用いて河床を覆う堆積物の分布を表現して線形安定解析を行った結果,被覆率が小さくなるにつれ,中規模河床波の要因である攪乱の波長が大きくなることを,理論的に明らかにした., When the layer of soft rock which exists under a gravel bed is exposed at river beds, the degradation speed of bed becomes very high. In recent years, river structures have been become unstable due to erosion of soft rock bed. A linear stability analysis is conducted for understanding the bed shape of soft rock rivers. The stability analysis in this paper reproduced the bed configuration of soft rock partially covered with sediment. It is found that the wavelength of the bed configuration of soft rock partially covered with sediment becomes long compared with the wavelength of an alternate bar.}, pages = {I_834--I_829}, title = {部分的に砂礫が被覆した軟岩河床における河床形状に関する線形安定解析}, year = {2017}, yomi = {ワタナベ, ヤスハル} }